Me pehea te whakapā atu ki te tautoko BingX
Pokapū Awhina BingX
Kua riro i a BingX te whakawhirinaki o nga miriona kaihokohoko mai i te ao katoa hei kaihokohoko. Mena kei a koe he patai, he nui te tupono kua patai kee tetahi atu, he nui noa atu te FAQ a BingX.
Hei uru atu ki te Pokapū Awhina , haere ki te waahi awhina kei raro o tetahi wharangi BingX (haunga era mo te whakawhiti, tawhē, me te kape hokohoko). Mena kei te rapu koe i to raru i to maatau Pokapū Awhina , ka kitea e koe te otinga.
Whakapā atu ki a BingX mā te Kōrerorero
Ko tetahi atu tikanga mo te whakapā atu ki te awhina BingX ko "LiveChat." Hei whakamahi i "LiveChat", me mahi e koe nga mahi e whai ake nei.
Hipanga 1: I te kokonga matau o raro, pawhiria te tohu karere.
Hipanga 2: Pāwhiritia [Tautoko Kiritaki] .
Ka taea e koe te korero me te tautoko
Me pehea te whakapā atu ki a BingX mā te Puka Whakapā
Ko tetahi atu huarahi ki te whakapiri atu ki te tautoko BingX ko te "Tukua te hiahia." Me homai e koe to wahitau imeera ki konei kia whiwhi whakautu.
Hipanga 1: I te kokonga matau o raro, pawhiria te tohu karere.
Hipanga 2: Kōwhiri "Waiho Karere"
Hipanga 3: Whakauruhia nga korero e hiahia ana koe ki te patai me te tuku.
Whakapā atu ki a BingX mā te Īmēra
- Tautoko: [email protected]
- Pakihi Mahi: [email protected]
- Uiui Media: [email protected]
- Kaupapa Hononga: [email protected]
Whakapa atu ki a BingX ma nga whatunga hapori
Ko te paapori pāpori he tikanga taapiri mo te whakapiri atu ki te awhina BingX. na mena kei a koe:
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